Sunday, December 27, 2009


Wow, a week and no post! Well, things have been pretty crazy here and of course, the prospect of getting gifts had nothing to do with it???? We had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to an amazing new year. I didn't do Christmas cards this year and instead am going to send out a New Years letter. There simply wasn't any time for me to write a letter and there has been so much to share from this year - I just wanted time to enjoy the season. And boy did we! My dad came and shared Christmas with us, and of course, we got to spend some fun time with Jeff's family too. The Wii has been a big hit - and is providing us with many teachable moments about kindness, good-sportsmanship, consideration, and self-control! I'm sure there will be many other lessons to come:)
I will post pics etc. later but wanted to share something that has God continues to press upon my heart. Biblically, the concept of memorials is meant to teach His people to not only not forget what He has done for us (be it saving us from devastation, to bringing us through a trial) but looking ahead and forward, to be grateful for what He did and Who He is and to reinforce our trust in Him. I am sad to think of how many times God has brought me through something that I now cannot recall - not for lack of significance, rather because there have been so many things. This blog and my journals have helped preserve some of those stories, but I want to be so much more diligent, so that our children, our children's children, will have those stories to share of God's goodness, grace, and mercy. So, not to jump the gun, but that's one of my "resolutions!"
More to come about our Christmas...

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