Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Well, our visit to the ENT confirmed what we already thought.  Ryan could stand to get some tubes in his ears.  He's had 5 ear infections in 6+ months - that's just too much for any little one to handle.  Our biggest concern for him is that all of the time he spends on antibiotics will only make those drugs less effective, not to mention the discomfort these infections cause him until the medicine kicks in.  So, while the procedure isn't scheduled yet, we are looking in that direction.  He was so good at the Dr.'s office:)  Even Dr. Lee commented on how well-behaved he was and how well he listened to my/his instructions.  When the dr. wanted Ryan up on the exam chair, I set him on the seat and then as Dr. Lee wanted to check his ears etc, I told Ryan to turn this way or that, open his mouth etc.  He did it all and with no complaint!  Now before I get to prideful, I'll be the first to admit this is the same kid who tells me 'No' when I tell him to sit down on the couch;)  But it was a nice morning for he and I (Jeff stayed home with the others) and it's always nice when your kids are well-behaved!
We're off to the pool now, and we'll keep you posted when we make the appointment.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I am sorry girl! I know this is not what you wanted to hear but hopefully he can get some relief. Glad your appt went well. Write that date down and post it on the frig. Good to remember in "those" moments!