The good news in Ryan's little life is that we've been ear-infection free since June! We switched to Almond milk and have been going to the Chiropractor regularly. Whether or not it's those things or just his age, I don't care! As long as we can NOT get another one of those dang things, I'm thrilled;) So now that Ryan's 2 here's the low down:
He LOVES his daddy! More than any of the other kids, he is quite attached to daddy and for that I'm grateful:) Now don't get me wrong, he's still a momma's boy, but he really does want to go wherever Jeff goes and asks after him constantly. His go-to answer for just about anything is "no" but we're working on that! He sleeps through the night, in Sissy's bed - it works for us and she thinks it's fun, for now. I'm sure we only have another year or so, so we're enjoying it while it lasts. He still really likes music and will bee-bop to almost anything. We haven't had our 2-year checkup yet, but I'll post that after we go in Sept.
This little girl is now 7! Honestly, I know I say this after every birthday, but I simply cannot believe another year has passed! What in the world?? Ella-Kathryn continues to be encourager, our cheerleader, but we can now add drama-queen to the mix! She certainly has mastered the eye roll and smirk (don't know where she learned those:)) and she can sigh with the best of them! She can be so tender with ther brothers, but watch out if you try to do it your way as opposed to hers! She officially accepted Christ earlier in the summer, but we're still waiting on daddy to work up the courage to baptize her:) She continues to be a great student and we're excited to see what this school year will brings. She is so social, loves her friends and family, but is also content to play on her own. She such a blessing to me especially, not just as my only girl, but also because she loves to play teacher/mommy to the littles. She will set up a "pre-school" for them while I'm working with Jack or doing house stuff! Love her sweet spirit!
This little man started AWANA for the first time last night! He is also signed up for choir, so after a family meal at the church at 5, he goes to choir at 5:30, then on to Cubbies at 6:30 and we're not finished until 8. It's a long, late night, but with only a few tears last night, he enjoyed it immensely! He's already practiced his first verse 20 times today! He was so excited and really so proud of himself - we are proud too; it's a big achievement for him to participate in both things and while I'm in the building all night (I'm standing in as secretary for the club )and did have to dive under the desk twice so he wouldn't see me, hopefully, as he gets better acclimated I won't have to resort to such ridiculous tactics!
Here's the parting shot: Jeff and I, self-portrait, atop Mt. Evans, one of CO's fourteeners. CO was such a special trip for us. Yes a child-free vacay was amazing, but it was just such a sweet time to be together, to have entire conversations - uninterrupted! It was great for our marriage and while we both missed the kids terribly, we both wish we could do this annually! Ha!